Formerly located on a floating barge, the current USCG Station Georgetown was built in July 1989. Myrtle Beach is about 35 miles north of Station Georgetown. Myrtle Beach, best known for its beaches and provides a wide variety of entertainment for tourists and locals alike. Charleston is about 60 miles south of Station Georgetown.
Georgetown is a small town, home to both a paper and steel mill. The area here is considered one of the top “Golf Hubs” in the United States where many events are held. Charleston is very rich in our country’s history, and home to the birth of Civil War. Charleston provides a tremendous opportunity for an education in history and recreational activities.
The geographic area is relatively flat with many waterways, inlets, and rivers. Fishing, both in and off shore is very popular. Law enforcement on both Recreational and Commercial fishing vessels is a high priority of the unit.. You should find Station Georgetown a great challenge and an excellent learning opportunity.
Station Georgetown is located in Georgetown, South Carolina . There are 34Active Duty Coast Guard members at Station Georgetown. Our area of responsibility is from the North Carolina border to Bulls Bay . It covers approximately 3500 miles.
Our operations include search and rescue, law enforcement, port security, homeland security, and marine safety. We perform approximately 200 SAR cases and 500 law enforcement boarding’s annually. The station assets include a 41’ UTB, two 25’ RBS, and 24 SPC – SW. On the station’s grounds is a USCG Aids to Navigation team which operates two 26’. New members should expect to keep busy in the first few months obtaining all their necessary qualifications. All operational members are required to qualify as a watch stander, crewmember, and boarding team member. Other qualifications such as an engineer, coxswain, and officer of the day are available as applicable.
(843) 546-2742