Welcome to the Peach State and to Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, a state-of-the-art home to the Atlantic Fleet’s Trident II Submarines. Kings Bay borders the cozy historic town of St. Marys, Georgia in the southeastern corner of Coastal Georgia, just north of the Florida border. Kings Bay is approximately three miles from Georgia State Highway 40; five miles from Interstate 95; and 30 miles north of the Jacksonville, Florida Airport.
Established in 1978, the base is home to Submarine Group 10, Submarine Squadrons 16 & 20, Trident Training Facility, Trident Refit Facility, Strategic Weapons Facility Atlantic, and other support-providing commands.
In addition to being an integral part of our nation’s strategic deterrence program, Kings Bay has attained and sustained award-winning results unsurpassed in Navy Region Southeast or other submarine and shore commands in the U.S. Navy. In 2007, Kings Bay was named the top naval installation in the Department of Defense when it received the Commander-in-Chief’s Installation Excellence Award for its ability to sustain its mission, increase productivity and enhance quality of life. The award also recognized the base’s creative management, new ideas and leadership. Furthermore, Kings Bay received the Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s highest safety rating in the Voluntary Protection Program and the Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations Safety Ashore Award for the third consecutive year.
NSB Kings Bay’ mission is to provide support to the Fleet, Fighter, and Family. Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay has three major commands: Trident Training Facility (TTF), Trident Refit Facility (TRF), and Strategic Weapons Facility, Atlantic (SWFLANT). In addition, this installation is the homeport of five Ohio-Class TRIDENT submarines and two guided missile submarines, the USS Florida and the USS Georgia.
Population Served
The Kings Bay community consists of DoD personnel and their families, civilians, contractors, and visitors from NATO countries.
Base Transportation
Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE) Kings Bay Transportation Department utilizes 15-passenger vans to transport personnel to various locations on the base. A phone call to a dispatcher records your name and location requesting a pickup, and is radioed to one of the van operators.
The Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) provides training and ongoing support for command staff on how to manage their Sponsorship Program within the command. Each Navy command has a designated Sponsorship Program Coordinator who assigns command sponsors to newly reporting service members. The designated command sponsor should make contact with the service member prior to their transfer. If you have not been contacted prior to your scheduled transfer date, request the detaching duty station assist you in contacting your next command to identify your sponsor.
Temporary Quarters
The Transient Visitors Quarters offers rooms for service members and their families under PCS Orders, transient personnel under orders (TDY, TAD, or TEMDUINS) and space available. Normally a family under PCS Orders may stay for up to 10 days when transferring into the area and 30 days when transferring out.
Service members under PCS Orders transferring into the Kings Bay area from outside the Continental United States, cannot stay at the TVQ, and are directed to stay at the Navy Lodge.
Relocation Assistance
The FFSC can help you prepare for your PCS move stateside or overseas, retiring, or separating from active duty through a variety of services. The FFSC helps you to: create a budget for your move; learn about cultural adjustments; accommodate the financial and emotional needs of relatives left behind; learn details about your new homeport, including housing availability, cost of living, childcare, schools, college, and recreational activities. It also offers many programs including: Smooth Move Workshop; Exceptional Family Member Program information; One-on-one assistance from experienced relocation counselors; Sponsorship Orientation and Training; Provides Welcome Aboard Packages; and New Spouse Orientation Workshops. Furthermore, Commands conducting a Homeport Change can pickup a Homeport Change Kit that includes “how to” videos, brochures and pamphlets, and ideas on how to disseminate information to crew members and their families.
Critical Installation Information
Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay Telephone services are accessible by using the following combination of digits.
On-Base Extensions: 7 digit base number
Local Off-Base: 9 + 7 digit number
Long Distance: 98 + 1 + 10 digit number
DSN: 7 digit number or use prefix 94 or 312
Toll Free: 99 + 1 + 10 digit toll free number
Frequently Called Numbers on Base
Family Housing Welcome Center 573-2056
Morale, Welfare & Recreation 573-2538
Child Development Center 573-3888 / 3626 / 8500
Naval Branch Health Clinic (medical / dental) 573-4242
Central Appointments 1-800-529-4677
Dental Appointments 573-4212
Pharmacy Refills 1-800-628-7427
Tricare 1-800-444-5445
Navy Lodge 882-6868